Housingpro Limited(下稱「Housing Pro」或「我們」)承諾致力保護您的私隱。我們重視您對我們的信任並把您的個人資料交給我們。我們承諾採取所有合理的預防 措施,及遵從所有適用於香港不定時修訂有關保障個人資料的法例及規定,來保護您的個人資料不被濫用及作不正當的用途。我們會定期檢討及可能隨時修改本私隱政策,並更新這個頁面。如果在本私隱政策的任何修訂後繼續使用我們的服務,則代表您同意修訂後的私隱政策。請仔細閱讀以下更多有關本私隱政策及個人資料的處理。
1.1 我們重視閣下的私隱,並已採取措施確保我們不向閣下收集多於就向閣下提供服務及保障閣下帳戶所需的資料。
1.2 當閣下瀏覽我們的網站及使用我們的服務時,我們可能要求閣下提供個人資料。我們可能要求閣下提供的個人資料包括而不限於:姓名、出生日期、電話號碼、電郵地址及住宅或工作地址(「個人資料」)。
1.3 請注意閣下必須提供某些類別的個人資料(在收集時會列明)。假如閣下未能提供任何被標記為必須提供的個人資料,我們可能無法為閣下提供我們的產品或服務。
2. 收集個人資料的目的及用途
2.1 假如閣下提供任何個人資料予我們,即閣下授權我們收集、保留及使用閣下之個人資料,以被用於下列目的:
2.1.1 評估、核實及管理閣下的個人資料;
2.1.2 提供客戶服務予閣下及回覆閣下的查詢、意見或要求;
2.1.3 進行研究或統計分析,以改善我們的產品和服務,及作市場推廣和宣傳之用;
2.1.4 提供我們的網站之登入帳號予閣下;
2.1.5 辦理關於任何該等資料,產品及服務的付款手續;
2.1.6 經辦閣下向他人或他人向閣下就本公司及服務作出的任何轉介;
2.1.7 直接營銷;及
2.1.8 就上述任何目的,或依照法律要求,或就閣下提出的任何意見或要求而作出任何披露。
3. 轉移個人資料
3.1 閣下同意我們可披露及轉移閣下之個人資料予我們的附屬公司,聯營公司, 業務夥伴及就以下服務所聘用的第三方服務提供者: (a) 資料輸入服務;(b)管理客戶資料庫服務;(c)與客戶聯繫服務(而服務提供者可能會就宣傳推廣、客戶服務、或其他目的聯絡閣下)及(d)安全處置資料服 務(「第三方服務提供者」)。此等第三方服務提供者均對我們負有保密責任,及僅獲許可就以上第2.1條所指明之目的,而非就該等第三方服務提供者本身目的 (包括直接促銷),使用閣下之個人資料。
3.2 當有必要時我們亦可能會為上述第2.1.8條所指明之目的披露及轉移閣下之個人資料予我們所聘用的專業顧問、執法機關、追收欠款公司、保險公司、政府和監管機構及其他組織。
3.3 我們不會於未經您同意下披露或轉移您的個人資料。您可以在適當的位置表明您喜好,或可發送電郵至info@housingpro.com.hk要求修改您的選擇(不另收費)。我們會遵從香港不定時修訂的法例及規定,以保護我們所披露或轉移的個人資料。
3.4 我們可能會就不同目的(包括市場推廣和宣傳)將總體資料在閣下身份不會被識別的情況下提供予第三方,及可能使用此資料以便更了解閣下的需要及改善和調整我們的產品和服務。
3.5 就以上第2.1條所述之任何目的或因與此等目的有關,閣下提供的任何個人資料將由我們保留,並可由我們的員工、任何我們所聘用之第三方服務提供者及以上第3.2條所提及之第三方查閱。
3.6 顧客可根據需要選擇訂閱我們促銷郵件。若您不希望繼續接收促銷郵件,請點擊郵件中含有的取消訂閱鏈接,以取消訂閱。
4. 直接營銷
4.1 我們將不定時使用您的個人資料作直接營銷用途(下稱「直銷活動」),包括:
4.1.1 推廣我們的產品、服務、活動、競賽、推廣優惠、特別節目及任何其他我們認為相關的資訊;
4.1.2 推廣我們供應商、合作伙伴或第三方服務供應商的產品、服務、活動、競賽、推廣優惠及特別節目;及
4.1.3 進行市場研究及評估。
4.2 我們將根據您所提供的個人資料以不同渠道向您提供有關直銷活動詳情,包括廣告、郵寄、電話、電郵或傳送短訊或訊息到您的無線裝置或手提電話。
4.3 在未取得您的同意之前,我們將不會使用您的個人資料作直銷活動用途。您可以在適當的位置表明您喜好,或可發送電郵至info@housingpro.com.hk(不另收費)。
5. 保密
5.1 由我們持有的個人資料,會根據此私隱政策作保密處理。
5.2 除個人資料外,任何由訪客傳送或登載於我們網站或網站其中任何部分的問題、評語、建議或資料均被視作在非保密及非專有的基礎上自願提供予我們。我們保留在其他地方自由使用、複製、披露、傳送、刊載、廣播及/或登載該等資料的權利,包括將該等資料提供給任何關聯公司,例如為產品及服務的開發、製造和推廣及為滿足顧客的需要。
6. 信息保護
6.1 我們將盡一切合理努力確保我們持有的所有個人資料均被儲存於穩妥和安全的地方,及只有獲授權之員工或獲授權的第三方服務提供者才可查閱。
6.2 為了保護您的個人資料,我們採用先進的加密技術及安全的伺服器,以確保您的個人資料安全。
7. 第三方網站
8. 使用Cookies
當您瀏覽我們的網站時,我們使用Cookies來自動收集您的信息(如果您正在使用的瀏覽器和操作系統,及互聯網服務提供商的域名)。Cookies是一些信息,當您瀏覽網站時,瀏覽器將會儲存於電腦內。我們的Cookies識別您的電腦,讓您再次瀏覽網站時識別您。從 Cookies收集的信息將被用於:
8.1 使安全措施更為嚴密;
8.2 使網上顧客可繼續瀏覽網頁;
8.3 可用作分析網頁資料的使用量及瀏覽量
8.4 為顧客提供個人化的網站;及
8.5 建立網上顧客或訪客的簡介。
9. 查閱及更正您的資料
9.1 根據香港私隱條例,閣下可要求查閱、驗證、更新或糾正、或要求索取屬於您個人資料的副本。閣下如欲索取個人資料副本或更正其中任何資料,可發送電郵至info@housingpro.com.hk 。
9.2 我們會先核實您的身份,才處理您的請求。根據香港私隱條例,我們保留權利就處理任何查閱或更正個人資料的要求向閣下收取合理的費用。我們定努力在合理時間內回覆。
10. 修正
Hello, and welcome to our Privacy Policy. Housingpro Limited (“Housing Pro, “we”, “us”, “our”) is strongly committed to protecting your privacy. We value the trust that you place in us by providing to us your personal data and we are committed to taking all reasonable precautions to protect your personal data from misuse and keeping it secure by complying with all applicable data protection laws and regulations in Hong Kong, as amended from time to time. We regularly review this Privacy Policy and may revise it from time to time by updating this page. By continuing to use our services after any amendments being made to this Privacy Policy (if any), you are agreeing to the revised Privacy Policy. Please read on carefully for more details on our policies and practices in relation to personal data.
1.Collection of your personal data
1.1 Your privacy is important to us and we have taken steps to ensure that we do not collect more information from you than is necessary for us to provide you with our services and to protect your account.
1.2 We may ask you to provide personal information when you use our website and services. The personal data that we may ask you to supply include without limitation to, name, date of birth, telephone number, email address, and residential and work address (“Personal Data”).
1.3 Please note that it is mandatory for you to provide certain categories of Personal Data (as specified at the time of collection). In the event that you do not provide any Personal Data marked as mandatory, we may not be able to provide you with our products or services.
2. Purpose and use of your Personal Data
2.1 If you provide any Personal Data to us, you authorize us to collect, retain and use Personal Data about you for the following purposes:
2.1.1 accessing, verifying and administrating your data;
2.1.2 providing you with services and responding to your queries, feedback or claims;
2.1.3 performing research or statistical analysis in order to improve our products and services and for marketing and promotional purposes;
2.1.4 providing you with a log-in ID for our website;
2.1.5 handling payments for any such information, products and services.
2.1.6 managing any referrals that you have made to someone or that someone has made to you with respect to our company and services;
2.1.7 direct marketing; and
2.1.8 making such disclosures as may be required for any of the above purposes or as required by law or in respect of any feedback or claims made by you.
3. Transfer of Personal Data
3.1 You agree that we may disclose and transfer your Personal Data to our subsidiaries, associated companies, business associates and/or third party services providers engaged by us to provide (a) data entry services, (b) customer database management services, (c) customer contact services (and service providers may contact you regarding promotions, customer service or other activities deemed appropriate), and (d) secure data disposal services (“Third Party Service Providers”). These Third Party Service Providers are under a duty of confidentiality to us and are only permitted to use your Personal Data in connection with the purposes specified at 2.1 above, and not for their own purposes (including direct marketing).
3.2 When necessary we may also disclose and transfer your Personal Data to our professional advisers, law enforcement agencies, debt collection companies, insurers, government and regulatory and other organisations for purposes specified at 2.1.7 above.
3.3 We will not disclose or transfer your Personal Data as stated above unless we have obtained your prior express consent. You may indicate your preference where appropriate or request us to change your preference (without any fees), at any time by contacting us at info@housingpro.com.hk. We will comply with all applicable data protection laws and regulations in Hong Kong, as amended from time to time, to safeguard your Personal Data we disclose or transfer.
3.4 We may share aggregate data that does not allow you to be identified with third parties for various purposes (including marketing and advertising), and may use this data in order to better understand your needs and to improve and adapt our products and services.
3.5 Any Personal Data supplied by you will be retained by us and will be accessible by our employees, any Third Party Service Providers engaged by us and third parties referred to at 3.2 above, for or in relation to any of the purposes stated in 2.1 herein.
3.6 You may choose to subscribe to our promotional email according to your needs. If you do not wish to receive promotional email, please click on the unsubscribe link contained in the email to unsubscribe.
4. Direct Marketing
4.1 We intend to use your Personal Data for marketing activities (“Marketing Activities”) from time to time, including:
4.1.1 marketing our products and services, activities, contests, promotional offers (benefits and privileges), special events and any other information which we think may be of relevance;
4.1.2 marketing products and services, activities, contests, promotional offers (benefits and privileges) and special events of our vendors, business partners or third party service providers; and
4.1.3 conducting researches and evaluation.
4.2 Such Marketing Activities may be provided to you in various methods in accordance with the Personal Data you provide to us, including advertisement, postal mail, telephone call, email, text or messages on your wireless or mobile device.
4.3 You may opt-out of receiving information in relation to Marketing Activities by indicating your preference where appropriate or request us to change your preference (without any fees), at any time by contacting us at info@housingpro.com.hk.
5. Confidentiality
5.1 Personal Data held by us will be kept confidential in accordance with this Privacy Policy.
5.2 Any questions, comments, suggestions or information other than Personal Data sent or posted to the site, or any part of the site, by visitors will be deemed voluntarily provided to us on a non-confidential and non- proprietary basis. We reserve the right to use, reproduce, disclose, transmit, publish, broadcast and/or post elsewhere such information freely, including passing it to any associated company for example, in connection with the development, manufacture and marketing of products and services and to meet customer needs.
6. Protection of Information
6.1 All reasonable efforts are made to ensure that any personal data held by us is stored in a secure and safe place, and accessed only by our authorised employees or authorised Third Party Service Providers.
6.2 All your information is protected during transmission which ensures sensitive information that you input cannot be read.
7. Websites of third parties
This Privacy Policy only applies to us and our website, but not to any other third parties (including any websites maintained by them). When you click on links and/or ad banners that take you to either third parties’ websites or websites of companies associated with us, you will be subject to the privacy policies of those parties. Whilst we support the protections of privacy on the internet, we do not accept responsibility for any actions taken by third parties outside our web domain.
8. Use of Cookies
We use cookies to automatically collect information about you when you visit our website (such as the type of the internet browser and operating system you are using and the domain name of your internet service provider). Cookies are small pieces of information that your web browser stores on your computer when you visit our website. Our cookies identify your computer to us and allow us to:
8.1 enable tighter security;
8.2 enable online customers to keep browsing;
8.3 analysis of usage and browsing information within our website;
8.4 personalize sites for customers; and
8.5 build online customer or visitor profiles.
Most browsers automatically accept cookies. You may choose to disable cookies on your computer by changing your browser’s setting. If you disable cookies, you may not be able to use all features and services offered on our website.
9. Rights of access and update of personal data
9.1 Under the HK Privacy Ordinance, you have the right to request access, verify, update or correct, or request a copy of your Personal Data held by us by contacting us at info@housingpro.com.hk.
9.2 We will verify your identity before handling your request. In accordance with the HK Privacy Ordinance, we reserve the right to charge you a reasonable fee for the processing of any data access or correction request. We endeavor to respond to you within a reasonable time.
10. Amendments
We may amend or update this Privacy Policy from time to time by posting the updated version of the Privacy Policy on our website at www.housingpro.com.hk. We encourage you to visit frequently to stay informed of our most updated version.